Empowering health research teams with the latest data science tools to understand biological processes and to improve patient care.
Health and biology are governed by genetic data and how they manifest and interact with the environment. Uncovering novel insight in these processes requires tools to manipulate, analyze, and visualize massive and disparate data sets such as DNA and RNA sequences, images, and text.
The DSI partners with the Faculty of Medicine at UBC to provide funding to interdisciplinary research groups to accelerate health care breakthroughs in British Columbia. These teams feature leading clinicians collaborating with faculty at the cutting-edge of data science research domains such as statistical modelling, machine learning, and natural language processing.
EHR Analytics Research Program
The UBC Data Science Institute has launched a joint research partnership program with the British Columbia (BC) Provincial Health Services Authority, the BC Centre for Disease Control and the Department of Medicine at UBC in the Fall 2020. The objective is to build cutting-edge data platforms and conduct interdisciplinary research at the intersection of data science, machine learning and public health. Research topics of interest include, but not limited to, predictive modelling, longitudinal analysis, natural language processing, data visualization, and data privacy.